Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Premiere-Day 5 & 6-First two acts!

What a weekend! Jeez, but what fun. Worked with amazing people. Tony Ung joined us as cinematographer and Greg Stanley joined us on sound for the main segments of The Premiere. Big big big big big thanks to Taylor Hungerford for letting us use his camera for the shoot!

We essentially filmed the first two acts of the film plus a bit more of the Supreme Devastation trailer.

Check out my thoughts below:

One weekend left! =O

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Premiere-DAY 4-Fotography Girl Wrap!

Well Day 4/Day 2 of FS was certainly more relaxed, but we shot our last scene in the CCS art gallery on the UCSB campus plus our semi-creative fun credits!

Then I drove down to Burbank to drop Fotography Girl off at Fotokem to be developed!

Wow. One weekend out of three is finished. Crazy how time flies!

See you this weekend!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Premiere-Day 2 & 3-Supreme Devastation & Fotography Girl

So day 2 consisted of a small unit shooting Desmond White's parts for Jeff's trailer Supreme Devastation along the Santa Barbara coast in Ellwood.

Day 3 was our first official shoot day and it was for Fotography Girl, Marie's short in The Premiere/REEL LOUD.

It was my first experience directing 16mm and I cannot thank everyone enough for their patience. We totally rocked it hard. I am sunburnt lol

Day 4 tomorrow!!

Watch below to learn more about day 2 and 3!